Emergency Situations: In situations where your child might be considered unsafe, please contact the Roselle Park Police, 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. Emergency contacts are listed below.
Non-Emergency Situations
School Counselors may be contacted during school hours to assist with social, emotional and academic concerns.
The following hotline services are available to students:
2nd Floor: Youth Helpline of NJ
Confidential Helpline for young adults.
Caring Contact, Inc.
Caring and Crisis Hotline for people of all ages.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (if considering suicide, please contact 911 or immediately go to your nearest emergency room)
24/7 Staffed crisis hotline for people of all ages.
School Counselors may be contacted during school hours to assist with social, emotional and academic concerns.
The following hotline services are available to students:
2nd Floor: Youth Helpline of NJ
Confidential Helpline for young adults.
Caring Contact, Inc.
Caring and Crisis Hotline for people of all ages.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (if considering suicide, please contact 911 or immediately go to your nearest emergency room)
24/7 Staffed crisis hotline for people of all ages.